RESCCUE Deliverables
D1.1 Data collection and quality control report. Summary of studies on climate variables at the research cities
Compilation of studies on climate variables at the research sites. Definition of the climate variables of interest and the corresponding data requirements and collection for each pilot case, together with the quality control plan to ensure optimal results.
D1.2 Final climate scenarios report
Compilation and description of the final climate scenarios used in the framework of the project.
D1.3 Report on extreme events prediction
Description of the estimated extreme events (for different time horizons) that will be used in the framework of the project.
D2.1 Identification of potential hazard for urban strategic services produced by extreme events
Analysis of the potential hazards for different urban services, at each research site, with special focus in the identification of potential interconnection among them.
D2.4 Multi-hazards assessment related to water cycle extreme events for current scenario – summary version
Opened version of estimation of the effects of the selected pressures on the water systems of each city for a set of strategic services in the current scenario.
D2.5 Multi-hazards assessment related to water cycle extreme events for future scenarios – summary version
Opened version of estimation of the effects of the selected pressures on the water systems of each city for a set of strategic services in the future scenarios.
D3.1 Literature review on methods for impact quantification
State-of-the art on the available methods for the quantification of impacts of identified hazards in urban areas.
D3.2 Tools with updated impact assessment models
Report of the results obtained from the process of updating existing impact assessment models.
D3.3 Methodology for modelling of cascading and feedback effects
Description of the methodology used to model the cascading effects and to translate them into sectorial hazards.
D3.5 Impact assessments of multiple hazards in case study areas – summary version
Opened version of report of the results from the assessment of impacts from multiple hazards in the three case study areas.
D4.4 Report from HAZUR® implementation in each city – summary version
Opened version of report on the results from applying the HAZUR® Assessment tool to each case study.
D4.6 Report from HAZUR® re-assessment in each city – considering a new approach regarding stakeholders involvement and considering climate change and adaptation strategies – summary version
Report from HAZUR® re-assessment in each city – considering a new approach regarding stakeholders involvement and considering climate change and adaptation strategies – summary version.
D5.1 Multisectorial resilience strategies framework and strategies database development
Description of the multisectorial resilience strategies framework to consider the impacts of each strategy on all the urban services and description of the database compiling all kinds of resilience measures to be applied at urban level.
D5.2 Report on methodologies for the selection of resilience strategies
Description of the methodologies being developed for comparing and selecting resilience strategies.
D5.4 Report on Enhanced communication system for stakeholder participation
Definition of a jointly action plan to increase urban resilience to cope with climate change and extreme events based on communication.
D5.5 Multisectorial resilience strategies framework and strategies database development (updated version)
Multisectorial resilience strategies framework and strategies database development.
The upgrade from a database to a web-platform to assist in the prioritization of adaptation measures is described in this updated version of D5.1.
D6.2 Resilience plans of the RESCCUE cities
Description of the Resilience Plans developed for each case study.
D6.3 Manual of best practice (RESCCUE e-book)
Development of guidelines (Best Practices Manual) to increase resilience in urban areas (to be used by any city out of the project’s consortium).
D6.4 Resilience Assessment Framework (RAF) and implementation
Development and description of the RESCCUE Resilience Assessment Framework (RAF) and its implementation in the RESCCUE cities tin order to support the Resilience Action Plans development, implementation and progress monitoring.
D6.5 Resilience Assessment Framework Tool – RAF APP
Resilience Assessment Framework web tool to support the application of RAF, including a users’ manual.
D7.1 Project branding (logo and templates)
Development of the project’s branding: logo and templates.
D7.2 Content for dissemination and promotional material, including a video and digital communication material
Development of the dissemination and promotional material: leaflet, website, video, publications, dissemination workshops, final conference, etc.
D7.4 Dissemination and Exploitation Plan
Definition of the dissemintation plan, presenting the results to be disseminated, the target groups and channels to get to them.
Definition of the Exploitation Plan dealing, among others, with IPR issues Deliverable future updates.
D7.7 Exploitation Plan (1st updated version)
Definition of the dissemintation plan, presenting the results to be disseminated, the target groups and channels to get to them.
D7.8 Exploitation Plan (2nd updated version)
Definition of the dissemintation plan, presenting the results to be disseminated, the target groups and channels to get to them.
D7.9 RESCCUE Toolkit
Development of a web-based toolkit to gather all RESCCUE project results and methodologies.
D8.1 Project Management Manual
Development and update of the Project Management Manual to compile information on project structure, meeting plans, standard templates for deliverables, meeting agendas, meeting minutes and internal quality control forms.
D8.2 Data Management Plan
Development and update of the Data Management Plan to specify which of the data generated by the project will be open and how this data will be exploited and made accessible (for verification and/or reuse) and, on the contrary, which of the data will be preserved.
D8.3 Updated Contingency plan
Development and update of a Contingency Plan to define specific mitigation and contingency measures to amend any possible setback.
D8.4 Societal Impact Reports
Development and update of a Societal Impact Report to assess the societal impacts derived from the project.
D8.5 Data Management Plan (1st updated version)
Development and update of the Data Management Plan to specify which of the data generated by the project will be open and how this data will be exploited and made accessible (for verification and/or reuse) and, on the contrary, which of the data will be preserved.
D8.6 Data Management Plan (2nd updated version)
Development and update of the Data Management Plan to specify which of the data generated by the project will be open and how this data will be exploited and made accessible (for verification and/or reuse) and, on the contrary, which of the data will be preserved.
D8.7 Contingency plan (1st updated version)
Development and update of a Contingency Plan to define specific mitigation and contingency measures to amend any possible setback.
D8.8 Contingency plan (2nd updated version)
Development and update of a Contingency Plan to define specific mitigation and contingency measures to amend any possible setback.
D8.9 Societal Impact Report (2nd updated version)
Development and update of a Societal Impact Report to assess the societal impacts derived from the project.
Water-focused multisectorial approach A multisectorial approach, a key advantage of resccue

Cities, being complexes of interdependent systems, cannot be understood by sectoral and disciplinary approaches alone. In this sense, RESCCUE goes beyond conventional urban resilience approaches delivering a forward-looking, multi-scale, multisectoral and multi-hazard methodology. In order to interconnect the several sectorial models, the project will take advantage of the existent HAZUR® tool. The HAZUR® approach is based on a method and software (as a service) to help city decision-makers and urban resilience professionals make fully informed and structured choices to make their cities more resilient analyzing the interdependencies between different city services, monitoring the city and simulating cascade effects in case of impacts that may affect the city.
Based on this holistic approach, RESCCUE will analyze an interconnectedness of different urban systems, taking as starting point the water sector. This sector has been highlighted due to the importance of water- related risks in the correct functioning of a city: droughts or heavy rains can produce critical impacts on strategic urban services such as water supply, solid waste, telecommunication, energy supply, transport, etc.